The Nutcracker
In this live-action adaptation of Tchaikovsky's fantastical ballet, young Marie (Jessica Lynne Cohen) awakens to find that toys and mice have grown much larger, and a villainous rodent ruler begins to torment her. Coming to Marie's aid, however, is the Nutcracker Prince (Macaulay Culkin) who protects her from the evil mouse amidst lively dance sequences. Also inhabiting this dreamy realm is the Sugarplum Fairy (Darci Kistler) and her dashing cavalier (Damian Woetzel).
Directed By
Emile Ardolino -
Written By
Susan Cooper -
Produced By
Robert A. Krasnow, Robert Hurwitz -
Macaulay Culkin, Bart Robinson Cook, Damian Woetzel, Jessica Lynne Cohen, Darci Kistler