The Boss Baby
From DreamWorks Animation, the studio that brought you "Shrek," "Kung Fu Panda" and "Madagascar" comes "The Boss Baby." Tim Templeton, age 7, suddenly finds his share of parental love plummeting when his new baby brother (Alec Baldwin) arrives–wearing a suit and toting a briefcase–and makes it clear to everyone that he’s in charge. But when Tim discovers that The Boss Baby is on a secret mission, he reluctantly agrees to team up with his pint-sized sibling for an epic adventure that might just change the world!
Directed By
Tom McGrath -
Written By
Michael McCullers -
Produced By
Ramsey Ann Naito -
Tom McGrath, Alec Baldwin, James McGrath, Jimmy Kimmel, Lisa Kudrow, Miles Bakshi, Steve Buscemi, Tobey Maguire